What Will Grandma Find on Google?

Your business is on the web. The question now is, what will Grandma find on Google? Find out what Grandma and others are learning about your brand—and what you can do to fix it.
Yep. Your grandma is online.
And despite what you think, she’s not looking for how-tos on knitting – or watching videos on how to master the newest version of Minecraft.
No. As you picture granny sipping tea and combing through discussion boards on home-cooked lasagna, she’s doing something you’d never expect.
Granny’s Googling your business (she wouldn’t, you know, if you only called once in a while – ahem).
And what keeps popping up?
Your Google reviews
That’s right. As Granny searches your company online, one of the first things she notices is your Google business reviews—those tucked neatly into your Google My Business profile at the top right of the page.
And what she sees may land you just outside her good graces—perhaps earning you fewer of your favorite treats in her annual Christmastime care package (NO!!!).
So, if negative Google reviews threaten to put you on granny’s bad side (if she has one)—and you happen to be quite fond of her famous Yuletide ginger snaps (thank you very much)—it may be time for a little Google review cleanup.
Google Business Reviews are taken seriously
Like it or not, most casual searchers—even grandma—tend to take online reviews to heart, no matter how much they know you and your business or how questionable those reviews may be.
Negative Google reviews have been shown to drive away more than 90% of people who find them, hurting both your reputation and your bottom line.
Many business reviews are phony
Google doesn’t do a great job filtering out phony Google My Business reviews or those that violate its Terms of Service.
That means a fake or nasty review of your business, even if it fits in the “liar liar, pants on fire” category, could be a daily drag on your online brand – putting your company on grandma’s naughty list in the process.
Reviews are hard to remove
Flagging a fake Google review is easy. But getting it removed is hard, even after filing multiple reports and numerous follow-ups with a Google rep. It often takes ongoing complaints—done over weeks or months—to get any movement in the removal process. And even then, it may require some polite nudging from the Google business support team to obtain satisfaction.
Snippets are out of your hands
And what about those 5-10-word business review blurbs at the bottom of your profile? For better or worse, Google has all the control over the review ‘teasers’ featured here – snippets that are often more than grandma needs to make a snap judgment of your business.
It may be time for a review of the management strategy
Have you ever wondered, “What will grandma find on Google?”
Negative Google reviews may give Granny the wrong impression. Without an effective review management strategy, they could also damage your bottom line.
If bad Google My Business reviews are hurting your brand and your standing with grandma, it may be time to consider hiring a professional.
For help with your negative Google content, call 941-259-4554 today.